Thursday, December 17, 2009

Marrige, school, and jobs

So it has been seven months since I last posted anything. In fact, I forgot that I had a blog until a few days ago when my friend told me that now I was married it was the law that I must start blogging again. Here are some of the things I have learned about married people; 1 sleeping in the same bed takes some practice. 2 If the toilet seat is up there are other more important things that need to be discussed so just put it down yourself and pick a battle about something else. 3 Finding out that your husband is coming home and getting really excited about it is ok. 4 Being married is so much better than long distance. 5 Who knew that guys would honestly eat anything? Seriously, Randy eats the mold off cheese and likes it. Ew 6 I really like being married 7 I just wanted to end with seven things.
So marrige is fun and good. I like it. I like living in my own house, I love Randy, but the real life stress of school and finding jobs is hitting me hard. After the registrars office lost my transcripts today and I the institue doesn't have me on record as a living human being, I feel rather unknown and forgotten. I was finally able to register for classes this semester and it is going to be pretty technical. I am trying to get all of my rudimentary education classes done and over so that I can get into the education program in the fall of this year. Of course registering this late is a bad idea and all the classes that I want are full and have waiting lists with 9 people in them, but I will prevail. There is light at the end of this tunnel and I am going to rock the socks out of classes like Media Technology for Libraries. Although two of my classes are online and that scares me a little. I think that everything is going to be just fine. I just have to keep breathing.
Jobs are a whole other matter. I don't know how the rest of you stay at home people can do it. Money stress, boredom, and guilt play a huge roll in my life right now. I have a lot of things to do, I just don't want to do them. I still haven't gotten thank you cards out for reception gifts, but tomorrow is the goal to have them in the big blue mail box. Thanks for the gifts if I don't get the cards out. In Cedar City, the amount of people not graduated and the amount of people that are graduated are about the same, and everybody is looking for a job. The job economy is saturated. Needless to say, I am left swimming desperatly looking for anything. I guess this too will pass, just like it always does. I know everything is going to be fine, I just don't know how.
I am excited to see my family for Christmas and I want to tell everyone ah humbug because it is just the way I roll. I hope your holidays are good and that everyone has a splendid new year.
I'll give you a better blog of what Randy and I are up to in the next little while but for now, you get this.


Jake and Madi said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! I clicked on your blog on accident and I'm so glad I did because it was updated! Woot Woot! Haha marriage is great, and I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I can relate to almost everything you wrote about, especially the having no job and being bored/feeling guilty at home. And the getting thank you cards out late thing. it took me FOREVER! and we never sent jake's family's out because I wanted him to do it and he never did. ha! ok anyway, glad you're back on blog. keep keeping on!

Luke and Erin said...

Thanks for the update... now do another one :)